Learning context

Learning context is defined as the situation in which something is learned or understood, a situation that can impact how something is learned or what is taught. ... An example of learning context is the external learning environment including the quality of equipment and facilities and the training level of the teacher.Formal vs. Informal Education. Formal education is classroom-based, provided by trained teachers. Informal education happens outside the classroom, in after-school programs, community-based organizations, museums, libraries, or at home. What are the main differences between the two?Informal learning is never organized. There are no set formulas or guidelines. Examples of informal learning include activities such as teaching your child the alphabet.Formal education usually refers to any planned, structured learning event (s). Common examples are the entirety of grade school, university, and even new hire training at your place of employment. Informal education is anything and everything else… and usually where most learning really happens.

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